You are not a machine.


Do you know why you work harder? Longer? Too much?

I wonder if it’s because you spend too much time with a machine.

It’s been said that people are most influenced by the five people we spend the most time with. What if that was true about our devices?

The only way for you to see the world, and yourself more clearly, is by spending more time with people than with things. Otherwise, you’ll let those things play a role they were never meant to play. Rather than becoming a helpful tool and part of your environment, those things become a destination, or worse, an example.

Remember, you can’t just be flipped open, scanned for endless information, rebooted in seconds, and light your way through dark rooms on a seemingly never-ending source of rechargeable power.

You’re not a combination of replaceable parts.

You are more than the sum of your output, speed, and appearances.

You are not a machine.

So, stop acting like one.